update admin to use prc.oCurrentAuthor for consistency
Update cb request interceptor for the admin module to have consistency with the prc.oAuthor object. This needs to be prc.oCurrentAuthor
Gliffy Diagrams
Luis Majano January 19, 2017 at 11:37 PM
I say cleanup
Gavin Pickin January 19, 2017 at 11:30 PM
231 instance of prc.oAuthor in the site. Do we want to just add a prc.oCurrentAuthor in addition to the prc.oAuthor... or clean them all up? Of course some of the handler load a prc.oAuthor, so we have to be careful with updating this.
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Update cb request interceptor for the admin module to have consistency with the prc.oAuthor object. This needs to be prc.oCurrentAuthor