MSSQL Query columns have wrong values


I I run this query the column values are fine:


However if I add some columns the values are wrong, isvisibleinnavi is now a date?? seems to be a copy of datepublished

subpagecount and f2 are also wrong





Michael Born @ Ortus January 17, 2025 at 3:37 PM

I would avoid using a struct and doing name lookups on each row due to the overhead in very large result sets. Arrays are smaller in memory than arrays and access faster.

Sorry Brad, I didn’t know or think of that. Your suggestion makes a lot more sense now.

Brad Wood January 15, 2025 at 8:47 PM

Ok, I updated it based on what I meant. By building a small array of column index mappings first and then using that to loop over, we keep memory down by still only using a native array instead of a struct for each row, and we eliminate the redundant getColumnLabel() calls which will happen numRows x numCols times. And you were still looping over the number of initial columns, not the number of de-duped columns, meaning unnecessary loops when there were dupe cols.

Brad Wood January 15, 2025 at 8:02 PM

Yes, I knew Adobe’s query object allows dupe col names and I was aware when making ours like Lucee’s that the internal design would not allow for the dupe column names, but I was ok with that. I’ve never actually seen anyone have issues with Lucee’s behavior.

As far as your fix, that’s not at all what I had suggested in Slack I would avoid using a struct and doing name lookups on each row due to the overhead in very large result sets. Arrays are smaller in memory than arrays and access faster. I’ll implement what I was thinking so you can see what I meant.

Michael Born @ Ortus January 15, 2025 at 3:18 PM

Here’s how I chose to implement this. Since the JDBC ResultSet API allows for retrieving row values by column name, it was a pretty simple fix. The test passes, though I had to tweak our query.addRow() handling as well when a null value test failed.

Michael Born @ Ortus January 15, 2025 at 2:51 PM

Given this test query:


  • Uses the value from the first matching column name

  • The resulting query column ordering matches the SQL query

  • Only a single duplicate column is present in the results


  • Uses the value from the first matching column name

  • The resulting query column ordering matches the table definition.

  • BOTH duplicate column names are present in the results!

  • Though the data is duplicated.

I much prefer Lucee’s behavior here, FYI.

  • Maintain column order as defined in the SQL

  • When duplicate column names are encountered, keep the first column only and drop subsequent duplicate column names.

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Created January 5, 2025 at 4:53 PM
Updated January 17, 2025 at 3:37 PM
Resolved January 15, 2025 at 8:47 PM