Can't cast ts to a Number.
Brad Wood January 9, 2025 at 8:32 PM
Yes, sort of an odd use case, but I understand it now. I’ve made a change which is a bare minimum to allow your exact use case to work, but not much else.
The Plus operator specifically has been modified to allow specific existing date classes to be cast to a number
This does NOT attempt to cast strings and such to numbers-- it will just use existing actual date instances
The number is Java’s epoch milliseconds, NOT CF’s custom decimal days since December 30, 1899
What will NOT work is
Code that specifically expects CF’s epoch number value. This really makes zero sense for BoxLang to adopt, but perhaps the compat module could offer this if needed
ANY other usage of a date as a number outside of the Plus operator. The compat module could offer this if needed in the future, but performance and unexpected behavior is a concern here.
Any ability to cast a number back to a date. The compat module could offer this if needed in the future, but performance and unexpected behavior is a concern here.
Harry Klein January 4, 2025 at 4:01 PMEdited
I guess we didn’t use randRange() as it was buggy with large numbers in Lucee and older ACF versions.
See links in this doc:
See - still issues in Lucee 5 and 6, but works in Boxlang
Harry Klein January 3, 2025 at 4:05 PM
@Brad Wood We often have cases where we want so set a unique id for a form or div. e.g.
<cfset uniqueID = replace(now()+0,'.','','all')>
<div id="wrp-tasks-list-#uniqueID#" class="con-height-helper">
Not sure why we didn’t use createUUID, I guess we wanted only numbers and no characters or -
Brad Wood December 31, 2024 at 7:37 PM
The one use case that I do think is handy is being able to add days to a number. Like now() + 1
is exactly 1 day from now. This is something even SQL Server allows you to do, which I’ve used a lot.
FROM table
-- last fifteen days of data
WHERE dateCol > getDate() - 15
However, I also don’t care much for the ambiguity of “all dates are numbers” and “all numbers are dates”. While it works in a couple places, it doesn’t necessarily make sense for all numeric member methods to work on dates and all date member methods to work on numbers. That can cause a plethora of unexpected behaviors and adds performance overhead to our casters, all for a scenario only used 1% of the time.
@Harry Klein Can you help us understand the real life code making use of this behavior so we can better understand a solution that would satisfy your needs without adding full interoperability between numbers and dates?
Jon Clausen December 31, 2024 at 5:58 AM
I would hate to see us get murkier on our types on this one - especially since the numeric casting that Lucee and ACF performs is an epoch value that is no longer standard (see “notable epochs”)
If we do this I really think it should only be for compat - like we are doing with booleans
Can't cast [{ts '2024-12-28 19:09:07'}] to a Number.